Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13, 2010

33 more days until summer vacation...YAY! On thursday there is 350 days until we go to the carribean for our cruise. So we are sorry that we didnt write anything yesterday. We were very busy so taylor and i are going to update this. so today we had our dentist appointments and neither of us had ANY cavities and that was a lot of fun and amazing. On thursday April 15th Kirstie gets to start drivers ed. she is taking the morning class and is looking very forward to it. On saturday me and taylor went to go see the last song, which was a good movie, while my mom and dad went to go see bounty hunter with the people they are going to hawaii with in a few years. one thing that taylor and i are not looking forward to is the core testing at the end of the year. we both hate it so much. it is not even fun. Our puppy Moonlight went to the vet yesterday because she had a deep puncture wound on her back foot. We took her to the vet and they said to give her pain meds and antibiotics. She cost a fortune. On Sunday Kirstie went out driving on the freeway all the way to Murray. She is a very good driver.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you guys started a blog. Kirstie that is so exciting about getting to start drivers ed. Good Luck. Tell your parents hello for me
    Kamie McMillan
